
Here you will find additional supplemental materials, like a recommended reading list, practice charts and some example personal practice schedules.

Reading Lists

Example Daily Yoga Practice Plans

(An example plan for integrated yoga practice designed for those who have around 20 minutes. It includes physical, breath and meditation practice).

(This is a plan for integrated yoga practice for those who have around 40 minutes. It includes physical, breath and meditation practice).

(An example plan for integrated yoga practice designed for those who have around 40 minutes. Here there is an emphasis on relaxation and meditation practices).

(This is an example plan for those who can find around one hour for their yoga practice. Again, in includes physical, breath and meditation practices.)

(An example plan for those who can find about an hour for their yoga practice. Here there is an emphasis on relaxation and meditation practices).

Other Practice Plans and Charts

(This is a chart showing a simple technique for practicing Nadi Shodhanam Pranayama).

(This is a chart showing a slightly more complex technique for practicing Nadi Shodhanam Pranayama).